Special Issue Description


Page Nos : 281-283

Description :
Cardiac rehabilitation programs are the most effective means of primary and secondary prevention of CVD. But they are underused in our country and very little information is available on the efficacy of the same on Indian patients. To assess the dietary practices and dietary nutrient intake among the cardiac patients undergoing Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. 51 cardiac patients enrolled for Cardiac Rehabilitation program at Asian Heart Institute (AHI) City Centre were selected using purposive sampling technique and were categorized into three groups based on the number of sessions attended. Post diet counseling information on dietary practices (24 hours diet recall and food frequency questionnaire) was collected and assessed for dietary nutrient consumption in comparison with RDA. Varied patterns of dietary nutrient intake were observed among the participants attending the rehabilitation program for different duration with those attending the program for a shorter period showing better dietary practices and dietary nutrient intake than the others. But overall, all the participants had included high fibre and protein-rich foods, antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish in case of non-vegetarians, along with heart healthy foods like oats, nuts and flaxseed in their diets; and restricted sodium-containing foods and fried items. Intensive diet counseling post surgery has a positive impact on the dietary practices, and the nutritional status during Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Keywords- Cardiac Rehabilitation, dietary practices, dietary nutrient intake, diet counseling

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue-6 Oct. 2015